5 Holiday Posts for Your Business – With Examples from Brick Media!

5 Holiday Posts for Your Business – With Examples from Brick Media!

November 14, 2024

The holidays are a great time to hone in on your social media presence and share creative, engaging content. Check out these 5 holiday posts we have done in previous years for some ideas and inspiration!

Show off how your city or office is getting into the holiday spirit: Here in Tampa, these iconic letters are decorated throughout the year for different holidays and events. We decided to share this photo in the form of a city appreciation post. Some other options could include posting images of the holiday decorations in your office, your team in festive clothes, or even snow outside (if you don’t live in Florida)!

      Hold a Holiday Giveaway: Social media giveaways are a great way to generate engagement and bring new eyeballs to your pages. If your business sells a product, offer the winners some of your items. If your business is a service like ours, we recommend collaborating with another company or giving away other items such as gift cards like we did here!

      Holiday Staff Picks: Share your team’s gift guide recommendations, favorite songs of the season, traditions they are most looking forward to and so on. Posts like this can be in the form of graphics, like our Beats by Brick series seen here, or even fun mini mic videos! 

      Holiday Festivities and Celebrations: Share any holiday gatherings your team does this season! Whether it be your corporate holiday party or a Secret Santa your business held, these posts are a great way to show off your culture and festive cheer! We did this by sharing photos from “Brickmas,” our annual holiday party.

      Spotify Wrapped Inspired End of Year Recap: Each year Spotify creates recaps users’ most listened to songs, artists, albums, and more. It has become popular to share this data on social media. We decided to use the formats to inspire our own end of year recap where we highlighted some of our achievements and milestones from the last 12 months. Check out our examples from 2022 and 2023.

      The holiday season inspires so much creativity in the world of social media. Take advantage of this time and these trends! Happy holidays!

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