6 Law Firm Marketing Ideas for Awareness and Cases

6 Law Firm Marketing Ideas for Awareness and Cases

by Jake
March 22, 2020

Law firm marketing can be tough.

We’ve experienced it working with law firms of all shapes and sizes.

The unfortunate news? It’s not getting any easier.

Here are a few (hopefully new) ideas for your firm to try as we approach a new year.

As always, if you want to explore any of these ideas more, contact us.


1. Use the “Search and Social Combo” Marketing Play


Set up Google Search ads that drive traffic to your website for specific search phrases, then RETARGET people using Facebook and Instagram Ads.

That way, after somebody makes a search and lands on your page (and doesn’t do anything else) they will begin seeing your ads on their social media feeds. Sometimes it takes people a few interactions before they reach out.

You do this by placing a small piece of code on your website that informs Facebook & Instagram that a user was previously on your website.


2. Longer Form Video & View-Based Retargeting

Run a video ad that is 3+ minutes long then retarget people with another video if they watch at least 25% of your first video.

If somebody watches nearly a minute of your video they are likely interested enough to show them another ad. This will slowly work the most interested individuals down the funnel.


3. YouTube Pre-Roll Ads Targeted By Google Searches


Since Google owns YouTube, you can target people in their YouTube videos using any search they make on Google.

Since legal services is a competitive space, all of the firms with huge budgets can just dominate the Search Engines, and always be showing up at the top. This is a way to potentially get around that. Instead of popping up directly in that particular search, you can show up a little later before their YouTube videos.


4. Create and Host a Localized Facebook Group


Start a Facebook Group related to some local topic. Local sports, local businesses, local food, whatever it may be. It doesn’t even need to be about law or legal issues. Being the “host” of something locally is always a good idea.

Facebook has been heavily promoting their Groups offering. This is an indicator that they will likely “reward” users who are active and using it. Social networks love when people use their features.


5. Regularly Share “Actually” Helpful Content on LinkedIn

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Utilize consistent LinkedIn content to generate referrals from other lawyers and other industries. Post things that will be of value for other lawyers, medical providers, and even people in other industries.

When your name is constantly popping up on somebody’s LinkedIn feed, and the content is actually GOOD, they will inevitably start to remember your firm and your name. The key is not to post garbage and spam everybody. Post things that will actually help.


6. Feature Others to Indirectly Promote Your Firm

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Feature local businesses on your social media accounts, or start a podcast show where you interview local businesses and people.

Not all of your content has to be about law, or legal services. It can be about local sports, golf, small business, or anything else you’re interested in.

Become well-known in your area and people will want to use your firm. Let’s be honest – following a law firm account is super boring if it’s only about law. Post about a lot of different things. That’s what makes you unique.



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