5 Examples of Great Social Media in Tampa Bay

5 Examples of Great Social Media in Tampa Bay

by Jake
March 25, 2017

Every company has a message they want their social media to portray. They all have something they either want to show off, sell, or entertain their audience with.

Capturing the heart of your beliefs through a page full of pictures takes tons of creativity, which is why social media marketing has skyrocketed over the past couple of decades.

The Brick Media HQ is in the Tampa Bay area so we are always looking at local accounts. These are 5 local pages that we want to applaud for standing out and doing a great job.

Disclaimer: These are NOT our clients’ accounts, although our clients have pretty great accounts too (wink, wink). But this isn’t a sales pitch, or something to blow smoke up our own asses. We are just showing love to some locals who are doing awesome work.

Here are 5 local Tampa Bay accounts doing it right:


@flytpa takes risks with their account, but it works.

They post relatable memes and entertaining content. This keeps their followers laughing and engaged with their page.

Go to Tampa Airport’s Instagram



@buccaneers keeps it classy with high quality professional photos of their athletes on and off the field. What takes them the extra mile is their eye-catching videos with upbeat music and amazing action shots.

You really never know what to expect with the Bucs page- they always have creative posts that keep their page exciting.

Check Out the Bucs on Instagram



@armatureworks_tampa is one of the hottest community locations in Tampa and their Instagram feed does an amazing job of capturing that.

They are consistent with their posts, so customers looking for an event to attend are guaranteed to be in the loop. Their page carries the vibe and aesthetic that their business holds- their account makes you feel as if you are actually there with them.

View Armature Works on IG


@madecoffee has such strong branding, and this holds true with their social media pages. Their imagery and even their tone of voice remain consistent throughout, making followers feel like they know the coompany’s personality.

The images are super high quality and the graphics are stunning. It is obvious that they invest their efforts and funds into their Instagram.

Visit Their IG & Your Day Will Be MADE



@flockandstock makes you hungry just scrolling through their Instagram. Their food photography makes people who scroll past hungry and curious about their menu.

They also keep the page light-hearted with funny quotes and sayings to make people smile.

Well known local influencers are often featured on their page which will bring them more attention than another restaurant reaching for the same crowd.

Head Over to Their Instagram & Drool

What to take away from these examples…

At the end of the day, you have to figure out what works for you and the image you want your company to earn via your social media presence. Don’t be afraid to step out of the box and really be creative. It will get you the most attention and the most momentum for your business.

Social media is a place to show your company’s personality. It’s a place to be authentic. You don’t need to always try to hack the algorithm, post the perfect picture, or spend hours debating one caption. As long as you are providing value in some form, and it’s appealing to your audience, you are doing it right.

Make sure to check out the 5 pages mentioned above. They will definitely inspire your creativity. Feel free to share this post with your network to inspire or inform somebody!


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